For most insurance agents—not to mention adjusters, carriers, and surplus lines brokers—obtaining and maintaining out-of-state licenses is about as much fun as a migraine headache.
For starters, 51 jurisdictions means 51 different sets of rules, regulations, and requirements, full of fine print and eternally subject to change. Add in deadlines, penalties, and a huge dose of tedium, and you have all the ingredients for a skull-banging headache. In many firms, the licensing assignment gets dumped on someone who already has a fulltime job, doesn’t have the time or know-how to take on the added responsibility, and wouldn’t wish it on his or her worst enemy.
That’s the bad news. The good news is that insurance professionals who get a headache just thinking about licensing issues can find relief by turning to the experts at Supportive Insurance Services who actually thrive on meeting the myriad challenges of the licensing world.